Welcome to our Support pages, where you can find help with common setup problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most questions are answered in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). For information not covered in the FAQs, refer to the PDF user guide covering best practices, getting started with animation, and troubleshooting.  You can also view quick video tutorials on taking and importing images, editing movies, and adding audio.

Your Online Account

If your problem relates to downloading the software or finding your license key, the best place to check is your online account. The account pages contain a record of all of the HUE software licenses and download links associated with your email address.


If you can’t find an answer to your question in the FAQs or Tutorials, you can contact our support team. We’ll usually respond within 24 hours, and often much sooner. Please include as much detail as possible with your message so that we can find the problem without delay.